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Responsible person to determine beneficial owner of a Public Company


Generally, the company and its board of directors are responsible for the maintenance and reporting of the beneficial ownership information. 


Nevertheless, the company may appoint any person to carry out such functions. The determination of beneficial owners must be carried out based on reasonable measures as specified in the Guidelines. 


Upon obtaining the beneficial ownership information, the company secretary must update the register of beneficial owners to be maintained by the company.


More information :

  1. Guidelines for the Reporting Framework for Beneficial Ownership of Companies
  2. Case Studies and Illustrations of the Guidelines for the Reporting Framework for Beneficial Ownership of Companies
  3. Electronic Beneficial Ownership System ​(e-BOS)​​
  4. Companies (Amendment) Act 2024
  5. ​Practice Directive No. 9/2024: Lodgement of Beneficial Ownership Information under the Companies Act 2016 Through e-BOS
  6. FAQ Beneficial Ownership​​
  7. FAQ Companies (Amendment) Act 2024
  • Public Company